Sunday, November 29, 2009

I have thick, straight, short hair. A friend recently suggested that?

I use a flatiron on it. If its already straight, what good will that do? I didn't want to look like a dummy, but I was wondering.

I have thick, straight, short hair. A friend recently suggested that?

Hi, I can kinda understand that one. i recently got my hair cut short - and it gets messier easier - and the slightest wind can mark up the part - even though my hairs straight. I use a straightner - it only takes a couple minutes - to tidy it up before I go to work.

I have thick, straight, short hair. A friend recently suggested that?

well is it frizzy? she may have suggested to use a flatiron on it because its frizzy. if its not then i don't know why she suggested that. maybe its straight, but a little wavy too? but if you think it looks fine thats all that matters. she may not know what she's talking about. but then again, maybe i don't. lol

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